We have accumulated huge amount of experience and we are sharing it with you in the form of tutorials for your best learning experience.
These pages are safe to use and can save you a lot of money and time in your pursuit of a university degree.
In this post, we combine data-wrangling and visualization skills to create a professional-looking data visualization using the ggplot2
package in R. Most popular unisex baby names are presented nicely in an R graph.
Use ANCOVA and Linear models to solve example assignment.
Use R Studio to create decision trees with pruning for building model to predict used car prices.
Six problems exploring ANOVA, Linear and Logistic Regression, Chi-Square Test. And corresponding solutions in R Studio by our experts.
It is a popular dataset used to analyze service requests of various cities (Pitsburg, New York, etc.). This time we analyze Roslindale city in R.
R Studio ggplot2 library contains functions qplot() and ggplot(). What is the result of these functions? Example solution explains the differences.
Use R studio to analyze a logistic model - bottom up loop development and analysis.
Example of beginner level university level assignment of R Studio statistics with solution.
The following exercises aim to compare simple linear regression results computed in matrix form with the built in R function lm().
The following exercises aim to use linear regression tools in R to investigate whether a linear relationship exists between tuition and other variables.
Solutions to Multiple Linear Regression Exercises in R Studio